I am Vintage
With hundreds of items to choose from there should be be something for all vintage fans amongst my stock, however the common issue facing...

Waste Not Want Not
Sustainable fashion isn't a new concept, upcycling has been in existence far longer than the word itself.

No New Clothes For A Year Challenge
I confess, I'm not sure if this is year 4 or 5 for me. Either way, I've committed to the No New Clothes For A Year challenge for a long...

Post Haste
Working from home has its advantages, one of them being choosing when to open and close for business. As I'm also fortunate to live near...

Family Business
My business has had its trials and tribulations over the sixteen years I’ve been trading. From copycat designers to a cancer diagnosis,...

Finders Keepers
You need an assortment of items when sorting through and selling vintage clothing from a selection of old buttons to lint rollers and...

Minding My Own Business
I've not blogged for a while. Work and life have overbalanced leaving no time for writing down the nitty gritty. Running a business from...

Picture Perfect
I was so excited yesterday to receive an email from my GP surgery. No test results contained or appointments to be kept, no this was to...

Confessions of a Scrubber
As sewing machines around the country were utilised for scrub making I joined the growing band of Scrubbers helping redress the NHS shortage

Don't Google It!
If like me you've been a frequent model of the NHS hospital gown, what slogan would you choose to print on the front? Whether for a...